Sustainability is an important aspect of the operations at MR D.I.Y. We recognise that our stakeholders want to know how it is embedded in our vision, culture, and operations, and want to be assured that we are responsible in our actions and responsive to the needs of the communities in which we operate.
As India's leading home improvement retailer, we see it as our responsibility to set benchmarks in sustainable principles and practices across all areas of our operations.
We recognise that this is a journey, one that our Board and Senior Leadership Team are committed to. We have set long-term goals, aligned to clear strategies, specific targets, and decisive actions. With these goals and strategies in place, we can closely track our progress, and mark critical milestones as they are met.
As a responsible employer, we provide a fair, equitable and inclusive working environment for all employees. Our employee policies & processes have been developed in compliance with all the relevant Labour laws of the country.
We are also an active member of RAI, the Apex Retailer body in India, which keeps us informed on the latest industry developments and best practices on labour management.
Our people are our most valuable asset. We are committed to creating a fair and inclusive environment, where everyone is given an equal opportunity to realise their full potential.
We believe that engaged employees translate into improved productivity and greater work satisfaction. We invest in a broad range of in-house and external training and development programmes to foster employee development. These cover a breadth of subjects including health & safety, anti-bribery & corruption, code of conduct, customer relationships, and other learning and development courses.
All our Human Resources policies are communicated to all employees and are available via the Human Resource intranet system.
The Group is also an active participant in programmes, forums and workshops pertaining to labour standards, youth unemployment initiatives, apprenticeships, and graduate placement programs.
The Group complies with the minimum wages act & the provision on S&E act that guides our working hours & benefits.
From time to time, we review & increase the minimum salary of employees to be in line with the Minimum Wages Act. We not only comply with the statutory minimum wage but strive to ensure compensation is competitive and reflective of the employee's experience, function, and performance in the organisation.
We are an equal opportunity employer committed to nurturing an inclusive, fair working environment. All employees are treated equally irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity, age, physical ability, nationality, or religion. We also welcome and promote the employment of the less privileged including those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
We have established a fair and transparent process for remuneration, and we ensure that the evaluation of employee performance is merit-based.
In a multi-racial and multi-cultural country like India, we place importance on promoting respect for diverse values and perspectives amongst co-workers.
We recognise that there is still work to be done to improve on the diversity of our workforce and will from time to time rectify and introduce enhanced policies to promote gender diversity within the organisation.
We have zero-tolerance policy towards child and forced labour across our entire value chain. Governed by the statute of minimum working age, we do not hire any underaged employee or engage underaged contingent workers through third parties.
We comply with the laws and regulations of India and have not recorded any incidents of non-compliance to Labour Standards.
In line with our commitment to protect our employees and prevent any untoward incidents, we have provided a platform for employees to express concerns pertaining to incidents of bullying or harassment throughout the Organisation.
Grievance mechanisms reflect localised current issues and are a prime tool for stakeholders to report any suspected violations, inappropriate or illegal behaviour. In the rare event such incidents do occur, investigations and corrective action are taken in a fair and timely manner. All reports are thoroughly and impartially investigated without fear of reprisal of any kind.
We have put in place a Whistle blowing Policy to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethical behaviour in the conduct of its business and operations.
The Whistle blowing Policy sets out the reporting channels, guidelines, and procedures to enable anyone, including employees and members of the public, to lodge any genuine concerns pertaining to any actual or suspected unlawful, illegal, wrongful, or improper conduct. MR. D.I.Y. will not retaliate nor condone any retaliation against employees who have made any such whistleblowing report in good faith.
We value our employess and recognise the significant role they play in our business. We encourage employess to have open communications with us. We respect their right to freedom of association subject to relevant laws and regulations.
We do not practice nor tolerate any form of modern slavery, child labour or forced labour in our organisation. Such exploitation is against our commitment to respect human rights.
We take this responsibility seriously and will swiftly address any risk of modern slavery, child labour and forced labour that may arise anywhere in our operations.
Our community engagement programmes create an ecosystem of trust and growth. By providing an opportunity for our colleagues to be involved in community outreach projects, we reinforce our commitment to corporate responsibility and social development, whilst continuing to support the communities in which we operate.
Our policy on community investments is intended to address a wide range of societal issues and challenges. Emphasis is placed on issues such as education & supporting the local economy by providing employment for locals. We partner with local NGO’s & celebrate events like Joy Of Giving where we support under-privilege communities.
We are deeply concerned about the environment and support the protection & conservation of environment. This is reflected in the some of the CSR activities we do like Tree Plantation.
As a responsible organization, we prioritize the health and safety of our people. We take Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues, training, practices, measures, and events of non-compliances very seriously. This ensures that all employees have a safe and conducive work environment. It also mitigates the possibility of injury-causing incidents.
We ensure implementation of all health & safety advisories relating to public health such as pandemics and communicable diseases. We use a variety of communication channels such as emails to distribute timely advisories, to keep employees informed and to advise them on actions to prevent the spread of any disease. Our goal at MR D.I.Y is to promote a healthy lifestyle whilst ensuring the well-being of our employees as well as minimizing work-related diseases or injury.
At our warehouses, OHS is led by a dedicated safety officer. OHS training programmes are regularly conducted for warehouse personnel.